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New CSU Study Shows People Do Not Support Commercial Trapping of Bobcats or Hounding of Lions | 3-24-25
Agriculture Committee’s Thumbs Down on Wildlife Science Bill Tells Us All We Need to Know | 3-14-25
HB 1258 would eliminate an archaic “hunting mandate” in Colorado statute | 2-25-25
Modernizing wildlife policy in Colorado | 2-21-25
We are fighting in the state capitol for fairness for wildlife | 2-17-25
Wildlife First, a CATs Podcast Airs Tomorrow at 8 am | 1-23-25
Predators Won the Day at CPW January meetings. Two Significant Wins for Wildlife | 1-20-25
Please Speak Out at January CPW Meeting to protect Colorado wildlife | 1-2-25
Wildlife First, a CATs Podcast Airs Tomorrow | 12-23-25
Please speak out at January CPW Meeting to protect Colorado wildlife | 12-31-24
Let’s criminalize snowmobiles as weapons | 12-16-24
Four Actions you can do today for the cats | 12-13-24
CATs is not going anywhere. Our native cats need us | 11-21-24
The fate of lions and bobcats in Colorado hangs in the balance | 11-4-24
These are the last few days! Please donate and help us get out the YES vote | 11-1-24
Billionaire dumps more cash on the pile to fight Prop 127 | 10-30-24
You can tell a lot about of a ballot initiative campaign by the opponents it attracts | 10-30-24
Dark money groups donate $1.5 million in recent days to try to defeat Prop 127 | 10-28-24
Urgent action needed! Will You Help Us Keep Our Ads on the Air? | 10-27-24
Former USFWS director guts phony arguments of 127 opponents | 10-26-24
Help us fight the opponents of Prop 127 with this new ad | 10-23-24
Here’s what to tell your friends about YES on Prop 127 | 10-21-24
Unless we do this one thing, trophy hunting will start next month | 10-18-24
Several Colorado wildlife commissioners publicly embrace Prop 127 | 10-15-24
Use our digital postcard to spread the word to people you know | 10-13-24
Opponents are spending millions to preserve head-hunting of native cats. We must fight! | 10-2-24
You can sponsor TV ads and get our anti-cruelty message out to Colorado voters | Sept. 27
Mountain lion trophy hunts and fur trapping of bobcats are bad for Colorado | Sept. 24
Robert Redford and Dr. Jane Goodall are endorsing Prop 127 | Sept. 14
CATS is now the “Yes on Prop 127” campaign. Spread the word! | Sept. 10
CATs ballot measure to stop mass orphaning of lion and bobcat kittens | Sept. 4
Trophy hunters are peddling misinformation in desperate attempt | Sept. 1
CSU study: 80% says no killing mountain lions for trophies and their fur | Aug 27
CATs alerts voters to the lion’s role in curbing spread of brain-wasting disease in deer, elk | Aug. 24
We need at least $3 million to reach 4.5 million Colorado votes to protect wild cats | Aug. 21
A pack of dogs is a tool of the trade for trophy hunters pursuing lions | Aug. 18
We are in a fight over trophy hunting. Here’s the truth! | Aug. 11
Anti-trophy hunting measure officially on the November ballot! | Aug. 2
Don’t let trophy hunters turn Colorado landscapes into killing fields! | July 21
New report released on mountain lions and their role in Colorado’s environment | July 15
We did it! We submitted 188,000 signatures today to qualify the CATs ballot initiative! | July 3