Supporters' Voices

Our supporters come from all corners of the state and from diverse backgrounds and interests. We are united in our conviction that killing ecologically critical mountain lions for trophies and trapping bobcats for commercial profit is not for Colorado.

Sanctuaries and Wildlife Rehabbers

Scientists and Veterinarians

Conservationists and Ethical Hunters

According to a May 2023 survey of Coloradans conducted by wildlife science researchers at Colorado State University, 80.6% of Coloradans oppose killing of lions or bobcats for their hides or fur and 77.9% for trophies. In terms of hunting methods, 88.2% oppose the use of hounds in hunting lions, while 75.2% oppose the use of electronic calls to lure lions within shooting range. These stats falls in line with earlier studies, including a 2020 study showing 69% of Coloradans oppose recreational hunting of mountain lions. In 2019, a majority of Westerners said they oppose hunting mountain lions in a poll taken by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, funded by a Multistate Conservation Grant from the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

Watch wild cat experts and Coloradans speak out to end trophy hunting of wild cats

Pat Craig is a local celebrity and highly trusted Coloradan as founder of The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado. Pat is a native Coloradan and has successfully improved the sanctuary model for large carnivores, and because of his work our state is a leader in providing an enriching life to wildlife that wrongly suffers at the hands of humankind. He is an expert on wild cat behavior and he is a strong advocate for CATs and in this video, he explains why it makes so much sense for Coloradans to join him and vote to end trophy hunting and trapping of wild cats in our great state. Read more about Pat in Shout Out Colorado!

“I’ve lived all my life in Colorado, and have spent decades rescuing wildlife that suffers at the hands of humans, including mountain lions, and I support the CATs initiative because there really is no reason to be hunting mountain lions and bobcats in Colorado. Please join me in supporting this measure.” — Pat Craig

Sanctuaries and Wildlife Rehabbers

voice their support to end trophy hunting of mountain lions and trapping bobcats
“I’ve lived all my life in Colorado, and have spent decades rescuing wildlife that suffers at the hands of humans, including mountain lions, and I support the CATs initiative because there really is no reason to be hunting mountain lions and bobcats in Colorado. Please join me in supporting this measure.”

Pat Craig —

founder of The Wild Animal Sanctuary and CATs coalition member

Our vision includes a community in which wild animals thrive alongside people and have a facility to recover if they need it. We believe that Colorado’s cats should be protected from “guarantee kill” sport hunting.

Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

When you kill one mountain lion, that benefits only the trophy hunter, but when you take a photograph and allow that animal to live, that benefits all of Colorado.

From CATs Coalition

(You can pause on the carousel by hovering over the quote)

Carole Baskin, CEO of Big Cat Rescue and a sanctuary expert who has had the privilege and responsibility of caring for 23 cougars and well over 100 bobcats over 30 years. Pictured with Howard Baskin.

"Trophy hunting mountain lions and trapping bobcats is cruel, unsporting, and unnecessary, endangering humans and lions. Endangered Canada lynx are also threatened by such indiscriminate methods. Killing lions by luring them with electronic calls, chasing them with dogs, and trophy hunting leads to orphaned kittens and serves no constructive purpose. Baiting and trapping bobcats for fur using inhumane methods is unnecessary. Lions play a vital role in ecosystem health and help combat Chronic Wasting Disease. Responsible wildlife biologists agree that lion and bobcat populations are self-limiting and don't require trophy hunting for control. Random trophy hunting does not benefit Colorado, but instead disrupts surviving populations and may increase conflicts. Join me in supporting the Cats Are Not Trophies coalition to protect these majestic animals and preserve our ecosystems."

Scientists and Veterinarians

voice their support to end trophy hunting of mountain lions and trapping bobcats

(You can pause on the carousel by hovering over the quote)

"This is not a hunt. All the high tech gadgetry, the GPS collars with dogs doing all the work while the ‘hunter’ sits in his truck drinking coffee until the cat is treed … you might as well call the dogs off and go home because this is not a hunt.”

From Harley G. Shaw for CATs campaign, research biologist with Arizona Game and Fish Department, retired

Author of Soul among Lions: The Cougar as Peaceful Adversary

"There is no justifiable reason to allow bobcats to be trapped and killed for their fur in Colorado. Societal values have shifted and it is no longer acceptable or necessary. The collateral damage to innocent wildlife who are inadvertently trapped, mortally wounded, or die as a result of exposure to harsh elements in the thousands of bobcat traps set on public and private lands every year — such as endangered lynx, golden eagles, and other animals — is an atrocity."

From Christine Capaldo, DVM for the CATs campaign —

a licensed and practicing veterinarian in Telluride, Colorado

“The risk of a cougar attack — on people or domestic animals — is extremely low, and almost zero with pragmatic precautions. Fewer than two dozen people have been killed by cougars in North America in the past 100 years.”

Mark Elbroch —

director of the puma program at Panthera, a nonprofit organization focused on protecting wild cats and the ecosystems they inhabit

"But I simply cannot put myself into the mind of a person who pays thousands of dollars to go and kill beautiful animals simply to boast, to show off their skill or their courage. Especially as it often involves no skill or courage whatsoever, when the prey is shot with a high powered rifle from a safe distance. How can anyone with an ounce of compassion be proud of killing these magnificent creatures? Lions, leopards, sable antelopes, giraffes and all the other sport or trophy animals are beautiful — but only in life. In death they represent the sad victims of a sadistic desire to attract praise from their friends at the expense of innocent creatures. And when they claim they respect their victims and experience emotions of happiness at the time of the killing, then surely this must be the joy of a diseased mind."

Jane Goodall, Ph.D., DBE and Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace —

from video End Sport Hunting of Cougars

"It's impossible for me to understand how somebody could want to kill an animal like this for fun."

Jane Goodall, Ph.D., DBE and Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace —

from video End Sport Hunting of Cougars

"Trophy hunters, whether they realize it or not, are likely hunting for status. It's like driving a luxury car, though in this case the lives of animals are taken."

Dr. Chris Darimont, Conservation scientist in an interview with former CU Boulder professor Marc Bekoff —

about his essay Why men trophy hunt published in Biology Letters

"Hunting is not a substitute for good animal husbandry practices. Hunting doesn’t prevent depredations, and by orphaning cubs or opening up space on the landscape that young, inexperienced mountain lions occupy, hunting can cause depredations to increase. The solution to living alongside mountain lions is to be good neighbors, using fencing, livestock guardian dogs, range riders, and other deterrents and protections to keep livestock safe from big cats, and big cats safe from people and livestock."

Josh Rosneau, Phd., mammalogist, biologist and conservation advocate with the Mountain Lion Foundation

“Whenever you have trophy hunting mountain lions, you will have created orphans.”

Rick Hopkins —

a nationally recognized wildlife ecologist, who has dedicated more than 45 years to the study of large mammalian carnivores

“When you kill one older dominant male (cougar), three younger guys come to the funeral.”

Robert Wielgus

Ph.D. a retired Associate Professor and Director of the Large Carnivore Conservation Lab at Washington State University. He is an internationally recognized expert in the study of large carnivores and has published over 30 peer reviewed scientific papers

“Sport hunting is not an effective tool for anything other than providing an opportunity for sport hunting,”


the late Professor John Laundré —

Western Oregon University, author of Phantoms of the Prairie: Return of Cougars to the Midwest

“Mountain lions play an important role in keeping deer herds healthy, especially when it comes to reducing transmission and prevalence of highly infectious Chronic Wasting Disease. Deer hunters and anyone who cares about the health of the forests and all life can appreciate that fact.”

Jim Keen, DVM Ph.D —

has worked primarily as a veterinary infectious disease and public health researcher at the USDA in Nebraska and at the University of Nebraska over the past 30 years. He has over a quarter-century of research experience in public health, biomedicine, zoonotic infections, and livestock health and production medicine.

“Most hunting can be ethically defended. Some cannot. Change, where necessary, is our only hope of survival. Antihunters may hold a spotlight on our behavior, but through our behavior we control what they see. And new technology will always present opportunities and challenges.”

Bear biologist Tom Beck — 

Retired Colorado Division of Wildlife

“The wheels would not fall off the bus if Colorado stopped sport hunting mountain lions today. Recreational hunting of mountain lions does nothing to protect livestock, human or pet safety or produce more elk and deer for hunters to shoot.”


Rick Hopkins —

Puma Population Ecologist for four decades

"Hunters who refuse to play fair are a threat to us all. Not only do they worsen wildlife conservation efforts and put us all in danger, they are giving good hunters a bad name by discarding responsible hunting ethos…But it’s not only trophy hunting and illegal poaching that’s the problem. Research clearly indicates that Colorado’s hunting laws are not nearly strict enough for robust wildlife conservation. For example, CPW estimates it’s likely that about 75% of the female mountain lion population might be responsible for a kitten at any time, and that orphaned kittens under 6 months old have a survival rate of only 4%.Yet CPW harvest reports reflect about 41% of all season 2022 mountain lion kills were female, despite training on gender identification, suggesting a high likelihood that hunters are still too often legally killing multiple lions through orphaning under one license.”

Science writer and columnist Trish Zornio —

The Colorado Sun

"If there is anything I can do to help the cougar, then count me in."

Jane Goodall, Ph.D., DBE and Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace
quote from the from video End Sport Hunting of Cougars

Conservationists and Ethical Hunters

voice their support to end trophy hunting of mountain lions and trapping bobcats

(You can pause on the carousel by hovering over the quote)

"As a country we’re outraged at the poaching of elephants and rhinos in Africa that’s driven by China’s appetite for the illegal wildlife products. But here we are in America, killing wildlife legally for shipment to China — under conditions that are often cruel and inhumane."

Rachel Bale —

National Geographic’s Special Investigations Unit story on trapping bobcats for fur

"There is absolutely no reason, scientifically or biologically, to shoot cougars."

Thomas D. Mangelsen —

a renowned American nature and wildlife photographer who has traveled throughout the natural world for nearly 50 years observing and photographing Earth’s last great wild places

“The wheels would not fall off the bus if Colorado stopped sport hunting mountain lions today. Recreational hunting of mountain lions does nothing to protect livestock, human or pet safety or produce more elk and deer for hunters to shoot.”

Rick Hopkins —

Puma Population Ecologist for four decades

“Sport hunting is not an effective tool for anything other than providing an opportunity for sport hunting.”

the late Professor John Laundré of Western Oregon University —

author of Phantoms of the Prairie: Return of Cougars to the Midwest

"Hunters who refuse to play fair are a threat to us all. Not only do they worsen wildlife conservation efforts and put us all in danger, they are giving good hunters a bad name by discarding responsible hunting ethos…But it’s not only trophy hunting and illegal poaching that’s the problem. Research clearly indicates that Colorado’s hunting laws are not nearly strict enough for robust wildlife conservation. For example, CPW estimates it’s likely that about 75% of the female mountain lion population might be responsible for a kitten at any time, and that orphaned kittens under 6 months old have a survival rate of only 4%.Yet CPW harvest reports reflect about 41% of all season 2022 mountain lion kills were female, despite training on gender identification, suggesting a high likelihood that hunters are still too often legally killing multiple lions through orphaning under one license.”

Science writer and columnist Trish Zornio —

The Colorado Sun

"What must've happened to you in your life to make you want to kill a beautiful animal & then lie next to it smiling?"

Ricky Gervais —

in a Tweet with over 50,000 retweets

"We manage for the sport hunt and not by it."

Rick Hopkins —

 nationally recognized wildlife ecologist, who has dedicated more than 45 years to the study of large mammalian carnivores

“It is important for you to know that there are hunters that do not support trapping and indiscriminate killing of predators in the (often bogus) name of ‘conservation.’ ”


A Colorado hunter’s written testimony on a petition to end bobcat trapping in Colorado

“Some hunters are willing to say, ‘If it’s legal, it’s ethical.’ But the problem with this is that neither ‘legal’ nor ‘ethical’ are fixed, timeless boundaries …. We hunters have to be ever mindful of how our actions are perceived by the 95 percent of the population that does not hunt, a proportion of which is skeptical not about hunting but about the character of hunters.”

Jan Dizard and Phil Seng —

Spring 2021 Backcountry Journal

"Hunting cats with dogs to tree them and then shoot them, isn't hunting."

comment on ”The Denver Post story on false excuses to hunt trophy hunting mountain lions in Colorado, 2022

"And given those facts, I don't think any true sportsman would hunt, or want to hunt lions.This isn't sport. This is just a guy wanting a trophy to show what a manly man he is …"

comment on ”The Denver Post story on false excuses to hunt trophy hunting mountain lions in Colorado, 2022

"I’m not anti-hunting. Hunting has its place in our culture, economy, and wildlife management. I see a contradiction in the concept of humans who hunt for sport but take the biggest, most fit males. This diminishes the overall strength of the herd if the genes of the strongest and fittest are not passed down."

comment on ”The Denver Post story on false excuses to hunt trophy hunting mountain lions in Colorado, 2022

"Agree 100%. The sight of (the trophy hunter) leering for the camera after destroying this animal made me ill and now we know the rest of this story, which stands in stark contrast to (a) false narrative."

comment on ”The Denver Post story on false excuses to hunt trophy hunting mountain lions in Colorado, 2022

The hounds barked at the big cat ". . . stuck in a tree. . . ." waiting for (the trophy hunter) who lagged a mile behind. Explain, how sporting is it for anyone to shoot a majestic cat, treed, with no place to go? Does shooting fish in a barrel come to mind? Why do some hunters believe there is sport in gutting a wild animal for the photo op? Disgusting.

comment on ”The Denver Post story on false excuses to hunt trophy hunting mountain lions in Colorado, 2022

“The Boone and Crockett Club was founded in 1887 by Theodore Roosevelt and his hunting buddies. Fifteen years later (when Roosevelt was president), after an unproductive outing for black bear in Mississippi, one of the guides ran down a bear with dogs, then dragged the creature into camp for Roosevelt to shoot. He declined in disgust, explaining the principles of fair chase

From A Colorado Newsline opinion piece by a Colorado hunter

Not All Hunting Can or Should Be Defended

Ethical hunters and avid anglers voice their support to end trophy hunting of mountain lions and trapping bobcats

“There are many examples of wildlife that are not hunted and their populations are not “exploding” as many in the hunting community might want you to believe – a good example is Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles or even states like California where mountain lion hunting has been banned for a half-century.”

By Dave Ruane

Colorado hunter and CATs member

I have been hunting my entire adult life and quickly realized the difference between trophy, “thrill killing” and the type of hunting that doesn’t fall into those categories, such as sustenance hunting. Mountain Lion hunting almost always falls into the trophy and/or “thrill kill” category.

Hunting and especially trapping continue to be tainted by controversy. Ethical hunters can understand many of the arguments and know there is room for improvement and “house cleaning.” The “low-hanging fruit” in this clean-up is easily predator hunting since it is based on trophy or thrill killing rather than any realistic/sustainable provision of food and has little if anything to do with the scientific management of wildlife.

Trapping and the resultant sale of furs is especially a conflict of interest since it is allowing a tiny fraction of society to profit from the public’s trust of wildlife. Even the oft-recognized North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, seems to “give a pass” or avoid the topic of commercialization of wildlife parts from trapping  altogether, whereas making it clear that market hunting is not allowable. Such an obvious flaw! To sum this up, the black eye that hunters get from the hunting and trapping of predators isn’t worth the tiny number of participants engaged in these activities.
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Science has proven that mountain lion populations are self-regulating, as prey base becomes more abundant, predator populations also thrive; as prey base declines, predator populations respond in kind. While there is science suggesting that predator populations can withstand hunting pressure, it is my understanding that those studies are based on well documented population numbers — something that is very much NOT the case in Colorado where mountain lion populations are estimated at around 3,500 individuals or TWICE that! The huge range shows that we have no idea how many exist.

Bobcat numbers and the restored Lynx are an even bigger guess. In fact, our state wildlife agency has admitted they really do not have any good estimates on mountain lion, bobcat, Lynx, and other wildlife and has even initiated research to resolve/improve that issue. In other words — there is no “conservation” need to hunt mountain lions, bobcats, and other predators — it’s just a desire, and a desire by a relatively tiny fraction of the hunting community that has no issue using hounds, traps or other non-fair-chase methods — quite the travesty!

There are many examples of wildlife that are not hunted and their populations are not “exploding” as many in the hunting community might want you to believe — a good example is Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles or even states like California where mountain lion hunting has been banned for a half-century. Contrast that with coyotes that are incredibly persecuted in the name of “conservation” – there are studies suggesting that hunting pressure on coyotes has actually caused their populations to soar! To add, there are known cases where the hunting of mountain lions creates orphaned kittens and subadults that have attacked humans since they did not benefit from the training/learning they normally would have received from their mother. As well, territory disruption when an adult male mountain lion is killed can also cause increases in livestock depredation.

In summary, I am very much against the hunting/trapping of Colorado’s wild cats because it is unnecessary and deleterious to the reputation of hunting and the common perception or definition of conservation.

Dave is an avid naturalist and outdoorsman, and much of his camping is accompanied by hiking, wildlife watching, birdwatching, searching for reptiles and amphibians, fishing, (elk and deer) hunting, and trail camera photography. He is a proud member of CATs.

There is no legitimate excuse for hunting or trapping big cats. We hunters need to stop making excuses for mountain lion and bobcat hunting or trapping, and need to speak out against these offensive practices. Standing by silently is a form of assent, and makes us accomplices to these crimes against nature.

By Erik Molvar

Wildlife Biologist, Lifelong Hunter and CATs member

Humans have been hunting for hundreds of thousands of years, and in the least-developed parts of the planet — often the places with the healthiest ecosystems — humans still participate in subsistence economies based on hunting and gathering. They recognize that animals are our relatives, which western science has more recently “discovered.” Indigenous subsistence hunting is honorable, in my view, and a model for non-Indigenous hunters to emulate.

As a hunter myself, I was raised with the ethics that you should never shoot any animal you don’t intend to eat, and that respect should be shown to the quarry by never wasting the meat. Hunters and trappers who pursue big cats – mountain lions and bobcats – violate these ethical precepts.

Carnivores regulate their own populations through territoriality, self-limiting their own populations. There is no useful role for wildlife management, let alone hunting, in controlling their populations.

There is no legitimate excuse for hunting or trapping big cats. We hunters need to stop making excuses for mountain lion and bobcat hunting or trapping, and need to speak out against these offensive practices. Standing by silently is a form of assent, and makes us accomplices to these crimes against nature.
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As human society becomes increasingly conscious of the consequences of our dietary and recreational choices, hunters who kill recklessly and without defensible purpose threaten the continuation of all hunting, not just the trophy hunting that seeks to gratify the ego and serves as a basis for bragging. Running a mountain lion with dogs to exhaustion and then shooting the cornered animal as it cowers in a tree is a serious violation of fair chase principles. Trapping is likewise a dirty and underhanded method of killing an animal, a violation of fair chase principles notwithstanding the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation’s hypocritical loophole for it.

Hunters have always been a minority of the American population, and today perhaps four percent of Americans are hunters. Increasingly, we hunters are outnumbered by Americans who hold animal rights or animal welfare values. When unethical hunters engage in killing for sport or trophies, wasting the meat, they hasten the day when the voter public will shut down all hunting, ethically defensible or not. If hunting is to survive in democratic nations like ours, we hunters need to police our own, and condemn and push to outlaw trapping and forms of hunting that violate ethical principles regarding fair chase and the prohibition on wanton waste. Hunting and trapping of bobcats and mountain lions cannot be defended as ethically sound practices, and should be outlawed by state agencies. Other ethically indefensible practices, like hunting over bait, predator-killing contests, chasing with hounds, and “misting” prairie dogs, must similarly be shut down for good.

We hunters need to clean up our own act, before others with less sympathy and tolerance for hunting do it for us.

Erik is a lifelong hunter and wildlife biologist with published research in the behavior, ecology, and population dynamics of Alaskan moose as well as large-scale conservation planning. He spent 13 years as a conservation advocate and later Executive Director of Wyoming-based Biodiversity Conservation Alliance. He is one of the conservation community’s leaders in sage grouse conservation and recovery. He is the author of 16 hiking guidebooks and backpacking techniques manuals for national parks and wilderness areas spanning the West from Alaska to Arizona. He works as Executive Director for Western Watersheds Project in Idaho. He lives in Laramie, Wyoming.

“Wild cat hunting and trapping violates the North American Model, it is no longer socially acceptable and that’s why it’s time to relegate this to the history books and get rid of antiquated practices that tarnish ethical hunters. GPS hounding of lions merely reduces the practice to shooting, not hunting.”

By Charles Seymour

Avid Angler in Colorado and member of CATs

The reason I am opposed to mountain lion and bobcat hunting, hounding and trapping, is because I don’t find it to be socially acceptable and using GPS-collared packs of hounds is something that gives ethical hunters a bad name…we get “grouped” together with trophy hunters.

I’ve read the best science, especially Dr. John Laundre and his research.  Sadly Dr. Laundre died a couple years ago, but he did some great unbiased research that used data from fish and game agencies in the Western states. California banned lion hunting in the 70’s and we have a huge land mass and decades of data that all prove that the elimination of lion hunting doesn’t negatively impact deer populations, human safety, livestock loss (all the justifications that are used by predator hunting organizations).
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The science is clear that mountain lions and bobcat hunting for “sport” is not necessary, and more likely exacerbating the problems that hunting is supposed to solve (similar to hunting of any carnivore species). Sadly, we live in a world where facts and research like this aren’t what matter most. I’ve had debates and arguments with people who promote lion hunting and I liken it to having a debate with somebody who thinks that fossil fuels have no bearing on climate change. For some people, no amount of facts, science and general observation will move the needle.

The choice to permit trophy hunts of wild cats and trapping them for personal profit rests on our ethics, values, and fair chase principles. Hunting mountain lions and trapping bobcats is not serving any valid conservation purpose, it is orphaning kittens, and allowing the sale of their fur for the trapper.  Check out the results of the fur auction (2020) – the price of the fur is extremely low and this essentially de-values wildlife and the vast majority of us place a much higher value on the lives of these animals on the landscape alive

Wild cat hunting and trapping violates the North American Model, it is no longer socially acceptable and that’s why it’s time to relegate this to the history books and get rid of antiquated practices that tarnish ethical hunters. GPS hounding of lions merely reduces the practice to shooting, not hunting.

I once saw a picture of a trophy hunter grinning ear to ear with the photo taken moments before he shot a lion out of a tree with his hounds at the base of the tree. He had both arms up in the air as if to declare “victory” before taking a shot from about 10 yards away on a lion that was stationary in a tree.  This is simply not hunting…it’s shooting.

Charles is an avid angler in Colorado who supports protection of mountain lions, bobcats and lynx in Colorado.

Lend your organization’s endorsement to our campaign to protect Colorado's wild cats​